Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Take Care Tuesday

African American women have the highest rates of being overweight or obese compared to other groups in the U.S. Four out of every five African American women are overweight or obese.

Whether you're at risk of becoming obese, currently overweight or at a healthy weight, you can take steps to prevent unhealthy weight gain and related health problems. Not surprisingly, the steps to prevent weight gain are the same as the steps to lose weight:

  • Exercise regularly. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, you need to get 150 to 250 minutes of moderate-intensity activity a week to prevent weight gain.
  • Eat healthy meals and snacks. Focus on low-calorie, nutrient-dense foods, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Avoid saturated fats and limit sweets and alcohol. You can still enjoy small amounts of high-fat, high-calorie foods as an infrequent treat.Just be sure to choose foods that promote a healthy weight and good health more often than you choose foods that don't.
  • Know and avoid the food traps that cause you to eat. Identify situations that trigger out-of-control eating. Try keeping a journal and write down what you eat, how much you eat, how you're feeling and how hungry you are. After a while, you should see patterns emerge. You can plan ahead and develop strategies for handling these types of situations and stay in control of your eating behaviors.
  • Monitor your weight regularly. People who weigh themselves at least once a week are more successful in keeping off excess pounds. Monitoring your weight can tell you whether your efforts are working and can help you detect small weight gains before they become big problems.
  • Be consistent. Sticking to your healthy-weight plan during the week, on the weekends, and amidst vacation and holidays as much as possible increases your chance of long-term success.
 Source: Mayo Clinic

Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday Morning Prayer

God, please grant us safety as Hurricane Sandy approaches. Protect us. Shield us. Guard us. Grant peace of mind to those in fear. Grant food and clothing, warmth and shelter to those in need. Bless the emergency and rescue workers with the tools and skills they need. Grant healing to those who may be sick or injured.

God, master of this passing world, hear the humble voices of your children. The sea of Galilee obeyed your order and returned to its former quietude. You are still the master of the land and sea. We trust and believe that our God of awe and wonder will watch over us and provide the security and well being that we all need. AMEN.

Embry AME Anniversary

On Sunday October 28, 2012 Bishop DeVeaux and Dr. Pam enjoyed a wonderful 109th  Anniversary Celebration at Embry AME Church in College Park, Maryland where Rev. Dr. Edna Canty Jenkins is the senior pastor.

Bishop DeVeaux brought forth the morning message.

 Dr. Pam was welcomed by the lovely missionaries of Embry AME and visiting members from sister societies.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Each year, more than 200,000 people will find out that they have breast cancer, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

This month in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month all are encouraged to wear pink. We have seen NFL teams, firefighters and even President Obama showing their support for this great cause by wearing pink.

The "Wear it Pink" campaign honors breast cancer survivors, raises awareness and  promotes hope and support for a cure!  Look who else is wearing it PINK.....

Bishop William Phillips DeVeaux, Sr.

Noonday Refreshing in Washington, DC

The Joseph Columbus Mckinney Office Building of the African Methodist Episcopal Church Cooperate Headquarters has held a Noonday Refreshing Service each month since the building was purchased in 1988. Workers and visitors take a moment to worship God and fellowship together in the midst of a busy work schedule. In the words of a true visionary, Dr. McKinney, "We seek ways to find a more economically sound and brighter tomorrow. In the 200th Anniversary of our church, we do not wish to become  so self-enamored with our history and traditions that we fail to have an economic as well as spiritual  vision  for our church. The central room in the new AME Church Building will be a private and public chapel where each can communicate with God in their own way. These worthy and noble goals deserve all our commitment and support."

On Wednesday, October 17, 2012 for the first time in the history of this service an Episcopal Supervisor brought forth the word of God. To a packed house, Dr. Pam DeVeaux shared from Ecclesiastes 3:1, Matthew 4:23-24, and John 10:10 with a message entitled, "It's Your Time to Be Blessed."  Dr. Pam challenged us to (1) Put yourself before Him; (2) Put your past behind you; and (3) Put your Praise on! Bishop William Phillips DeVeaux, Sr., Presiding Prelate of the 2nd Episcopal District, was also in attendance with prayerful support. Employees of the Bishop's office, Finance Department, WMS office, SADA and Department of the Attorney General joined by Reverend  Harry L. Seawright (who preached September's Noonday Refreshing) and members of Ward Memorial AMEC shared in this historic event.

After souls were fed with spiritual food, our bodies were fed with natural food. With a feast, we fellowshipped and listened to recordings of the 1964 General Conference where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was the keynote speaker.

With spirits revived, souls refreshed, and hearts lightened we are the Seeking, Serving, Spirit-filled Second Episcopal District; Striving to be more like Jesus!

Submitted by:
Monique Washington
SED Historiographer/Statistician 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Homegoing Service

Rev. Linda Kelly Stanton

Bishop DeVeaux and Dr.Pam were privileged to attend the homegoing service for Rev. Linda K. Staton on October 23, 2012. Rev. Staton pastored various churches in the North Carolina Conference of the Second Episcopal District. A joyful service of celebration of a beautiful life was held at St. James AME Church, Kinston, NC.

View the full obituary and offer online condolences:

Pictured: Presiding Elder Larry Hinton, Sis. Marilyn Mills (Pres. NC Conference Clergy Family), Supervisor DeVeaux,& Sis. Paulette  Bryant (Immediate Past Pres. NC Conf. WMS)
Presiding Elder Evelyn Dunn

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Take Care Tuesday

Stay Hydrated!!!

Water is essential to good health. Water is your body's principal chemical component and makes up about 60% of your body weight. Every system in your body depends on water. For example, water flushes toxins out of vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells and provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues.

Lack of water can lead to dehydration, a condition that occurs when you don't have enough water in your body to carry out normal functions. Even mild dehydration can drain your energy an make you tired.

Every day you lose water through your breath, perspiration, urine and bowel movements. For your body to function properly, you must replenish its water by consuming beverages and foods that contain water.

Many of us have heard that we should drink "eight ounce glasses of water, eight times a day". Actually, the amount of water an individual needs varies based on age, gender, body size, health status and physical activity levels. Environmental factors such as high temperatures and humidity levels also influence water needs.  There are three important rules when it comes to drinking water:
  • Drink frequently throughout the day to avoid dehydration
  • Drink one cup of water for every 20 pounds of body weight
  • Drink twice as much as it takes to quench your thirst

Water hydration is essential for every aspect of your health. 

Remember to listen to your body!

Source: www.mayoclinic.com

Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday Morning Prayer

2 Chronicles 7:14

Dear Heavenly Father,
Your word tells us that if we who are called by Your name will humble ourselves and turn from our wicked ways, then You will hear, forgive and heal our land. We come before Your throne with thanksgiving in our hearts, asking forgiveness for our sins. Please heal our country,bless the upcoming election, let Your will be done for our nation and your people. We give you all the praise and the glory. AMEN

From the AME Social Action Commission:

Today we are 15 days away from Election Day 2012-November 6th. Remind EVERYONE that you meet today that 2600 years ago God had his prophet say to every nation you must do justice, love, mercy, and walk humbly before your God.

Sistah "Jackie" Dupont-Walker, Dir.
Bishop Reginald T. Jackson, Chair

Union Bethel AME

On Sunday October 21, 2012 Bishop DeVeaux and Dr. Pam--with several grandchildren in tow-visited Union Bethel AME Church in Randallstown, MD. Bishop DeVeaux brought forth the word "I'm Not Ashamed to Hope" from Romans 5:1-5.

Pastor Charles T. Sembly and his lovely wife First Lady Pam Sembly are celebrating 28 years as the leaders of Union Bethel this month. God's name be PRAISED!

Supervisor Pam DeVeaux and First Lady Pam Sembly with members of the Lillian M. Dorsey Missionary Society of Union Bethel AME following morning worship

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

My Dear Sisters:

I hope you are enjoying this beautiful weather and fully appreciating the wonders of God as you watch the leaves turn red, yellow, brown, purple, whatever, and then gently fall to the ground.

I want to take this time to remind each of you that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. No doubt you have received many emails and other correspondences reminding you of this month's observance and urging you to get your mammogram.

Now some of you believe it could never happen to you. No one in your family has ever had the disease. Let me share a personal note with you. My mother lived to the ripe old age of 94; her mother and at least 2 of her mother's sisters lived to the age of 90 plus. My mother's sisters lived to the age of 80 plus. Not one of them was ever diagnosed with breast cancer. They were strong healthy women. On my paternal side, the women also lived to the mid 80's to 90's with no reported case of breast cancer. Longevity and good health were on our side.

Yet following my October 2005 mammogram I received a diagnosis of breast cancer. I was utterly shocked! You talk about denial! In my mind, that could not possibly be the case. But it was. While no one in my family, to our knowledge, had ever been diagnosed with breast cancer, I became the first. Now what if I had assumed that I did not need to have an annual mammogram because there was no reported cases of breast cancer in my family? I would have missed out on early detection and treatment, and would not be able to say that I am a 7 years survivor. To God be the Glory!!

My message to you dear sisters is simply this: get a mammogram, along with taking other preventative measures such as self breast examinations, good diet, etc. Be empowered to look after yourself as yo go forward in Christian mission.

Much Love,
Juanita Wills
SEDYPD Director

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

VOTE 2012

The Presidential Election is close at hand. Just 21 days away!! Please VOTE and check on senior citizens, disabled and others who may need a ride to the polls.
Our ancestors sacrificed so much for our right to vote. Let's honor their courage in the face of danger and their devotion to the principles of justice and freedom!!

Take Care Tuesday

Love Doesn't Hurt
Domestic violence remains a huge and largely hidden problem. Did you know that someone is physically, sexually, psychologically or verbally abused by an intimate partner EVERY 15 SECONDS?

According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, in the United States, 1.3 million women and 830,00 men are assaulted each year by people who love them.

  • 1 in 4 women are the victims of domestic violence in their lifetime
  • 1 in 9 men are the victims of domestic violence in their lifetime
Victims often don't complain. Their partners have instilled such fear in them that they don't dare say anything. Often times they do not see themselves as victims--and may feel they "deserve" the abuse. Sadly, it is often only when someone has become seriously hurt or has an emotional breakdown that friends, family members or professionals even realize what is going on.

President Obama issued a Presidential Proclamation on October 1, 2012 declaring October National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Please click on the link to view this very important press release:


For Additional Information:
1-800-799-SAFE or visit www.TheHotline.org

Monday, October 15, 2012

Christian Debutante-Master Dedication Commission

The Christian Debutante-Master Dedication (CDMC) introduces young people to Christian society and celebrates their transition to adulthood. Through its adult advisors, the CDMC reinforces the work of Christian education by providing guidance and information for relevant study and fieldwork activities. Young people participating in the CDMC have an opportunity to receive regular and special study programs for personal Christian development and creative leadership in the A.M.E Church.

We are so proud of the young men and women of the 2nd District who participated in the activities of the Debutante/Masters ceremony during our 2012 Christian Education Conference.

Thank you to our wonderful Christian education leaders and volunteers! 

Monday Morning Prayer

2 Corinthians 12:10
Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in need, in persecutions, in distress, for Christ's sake. For when I am weak, then am I strong.

Thank you Lord, for being there for me and allowing me to cry out to you in my times of needs.

It is amazing that the Lord of the Universe would take time to listen to me and to care about what I say.

God, there are many things happening around me right now that I do not understand. Some of these things make me feel weak, helpless and afraid.

Even in the midst of this, I know that you are the Lord.

I know that the situation is in Your hand, and I trust You. I beseech you for strength and for wisdom that I would be able to endure this situation and be able to handle it in a way that would bring glory to Your name.

In Jesus name.


Friday, October 12, 2012

The Good Shepherd

There once was a flock
That was lost and afraid
It wandered around
Without direction for days

But the Lord looked down
With compassion from above
And sent a good shepherd
To lead them with love

The Shepherd was kind
Loving and wise
And cherished his/her whole flock
No matter the color or the size

Though the shepherd was quiet
Humble and meek
Every ear listened
Whenever he/she would speak

He/she showed them the way
To walk in the light
And he/she prayed every day
For God to give them true sight

They flourished and they grew
Through the knowledge they gained
About the Savior from above
Who lived without blemish or stain

The flock was so thankful
To the Lord up above
For sending a wise leader
Who was so full of love

He/She led them with
A strong and gentle good hand
And took the whole flock
Safely into God's Promised Land

~Laura Smith

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Mid Year Meeting WMS Outreach

The Capital Area Food Bank

The Alice Marie Chapman Missionary Society of Ebenezer AME church, the venue for the 2012 Mid-Year meeting has selected The Capital Area Food Bank for the SEDWMS outreach. Our Episcopal Supervisor is asking that each person bring at least one canned good.

Boxes will be available November 1st and 2nd for collection.

The mission of the Capital Area Food Bank is to feed those who suffer from hunger in the Washington metro area by acquiring food and distributing it through its network of partner agencies; and educating, empowering and enlightening the community about the issues of hunger and nutrition. CAFB is a member of Feeding America, a national network of 200 food banks.

The Need
Many of the food bank's 700 partner agencies report they are seeing a tremendous increase in those seeking food assistance, from 30 to 100 percent. This increase is due to: job loss, the economy, high cost of housing, lack of health care and other issues. The CAFB's  motto is: 'till no one is hungry.

CAFB by the Numbers
The Captial Area Food Bank:
  • Distributes 30 million pounds of food annually, half of which is fresh produce; 84,000 pounds of food daily and 500,000 pounds each week.
  • Serves 478,100 people in the region struggling with hunger.
  • Delivers 70 fresh produce drops each month to 40 site in low-income neighborhoods.
  • Spends 92 cents of each dollar raised for food distribution, transportation and programs.
  • Provides nutrition and education training to  more than 1,000 adults and children annually.


  • Canned Fruits- in light syrup of its own juices
  • Canned Proteins- tuna, salmon, chicken, peanut butter, beans
  • Canned Vegetables-low sodium, no salt added
  • Soups- beef stew, chili, chicken noodle, turkey & rice
  • 100% Juice- all sizes,  including juice boxes

Thank you!!

Bishop William Phillips DeVeaux, Sr. Presiding Prelate
Dr. Pam DeVeaux, Episcopal Supervisor
Ms. D. Faye Conley, Episcopal President
Ms. Juanita Wills, Episcopal YPD Director

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Take Care Tuesday

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is an annual campaign to increase the awareness of the disease. While most people are aware of breast cancer, many forget to take the steps to have a plan to detect the disease in its early stages and encourage others to do the same.

Early detection is key!!

The best way to find breast cancer early is with mammogram. The Centers for Disease Control recommends that if you are a woman 50 years or older, you should have a screening mammogram every 2 years.

What is a mammogram?
A mammogram is an X-ray of the breast. Doctors use mammogram to look for early signs of breast cancer. Having regular mammograms can lower the risk of dying from breast cancer. If you are age 50 to 74 years, be sure to have a screening every two years. If you are age 40-49, talk to your doctor about when and how often you should have a screening mammogram.

Why should I have a mammogram?
Regular mammograms are the best tests doctors have to find breast cancer early, sometimes up to three years before it can be felt. When their breast cancer is found early, many women go on to live long and healthy lives.

How can I lower my risk of breast cancer?
  • Control your weight and exercise.
  • Know your family history of breast cancer. If you have a mother, sister, or daughter with breast cancer, ask your doctor what your risk of getting breast cancer is and how you can lower your risk.
  • Find out the risks and benefits of hormone replacement therapy.
  • Limit the amount of alcohol you drink.

Can men get breast cancer?
Although it is not very common, men can also get breast cancer. For every 100 cases of breast cancer, less than 1 is in men.

Source: www.cdc.gov

Monday, October 8, 2012

Reverend Ronald A. Boykin Gives Invocation at Virginia Obama Rally

The Reverend Ronald A. Boykin is the pastor of First African Methodist Episcopal Church, Manassas, VA. On September 21, 2012, Reverend Ronald A. Boykin gave the invocation at the rally at which President Barack Obama spoke to over 12,000 supporters. Speaking at Pfitzner Stadium the Reverend Boykin prayed for peaceful assembly, permissive fellowship, that all things would bring glory to God and that God's grace would abound. The Reverend Boykin serves in the Capitol District of the Washington Annual Conference; the Reverend Goodwin Douglas is the Presiding Elder and the Rt. Rev. William P. DeVeaux, Presiding Prelate, Second Episcopal District.

Congratulatory responses can be emailed to Revboykin@aol.com.

Ora Easley, Administrator
The Clergy Family Information Center

Monday Morning Prayer

Great and Awesome God,
I come to you in a posture of praise and thanksgiving, giving all glory and honor to your Holy Name. My heart rejoices for the many blessing and benefits that you have poured out over my life.

Now Lord, I ask that you would bless in a mighty way the Second Episcopal District Women's Missionary Society and Young People's and Children's Divisions as we seek to serve you and expand your kingdom on earth. Inspire in each of us a desire to be worthy vessels through which humankind may witness a change in their physical circumstances and in spiritual growth and renewal. By the power of your Holy Spirit, transform our hearts and minds that we might become true disciples who go out into the ends of the earth to evangelize and reach those who are in need of a Savior. And then empower us Oh God to a service of love and excellence. Help us to put our trust in you and you alone knowing that if we ask and believe that you will give us the boldness, the courage, and the confidence to reach out to your people far and near, and that you will lead, guide, and protect us wherever we go. Move us to higher heights, and we will make sure that Your Name, not ours, gets the honor, glory, and praise.

We ask this prayer in the name of Jesus, the Christ, Amen.

Submitted by: Ms. Juanita Wills

                      Episcopal YPD Director

Friday, October 5, 2012

What's Happening in the YPD?

Get ready young people! It's time for the District YPD Leadership Training Institute.

Where: Wyndham Virginia Crossing Hotel and Conference Center in Richmond, VA
When: November 30-December 1, 2012

We have a great weekend of training and fun planned for you!!

A Panel Discussion will challenge YPD officers at all levels-District, Conference, Area, and Local to take a serious look at some of the issues confronting the organization and come up with the workable solutions for ensuring a vibrant, relevant, and effective YPD organization.

Workshops to enhance communication skills and strengthen overall leadership skills will be available for each age group.
  • Not Shutting Up Anymore: This workshop will assist young people in communicating their ideas thoughts, and messages in a clear, concise, effective, and non-threatening manner through a series of fun skills and techniques.
  • Who R U? This workshop will help young people explore who they are as individuals and assist them in understanding and unleashing their God-given gifts to the glory of God and in service to humankind.
  • Let It Go: This workshop will teach young people how to let go of things such as hurts, disappointments, etc. that might inhibit their growth or block blessings in their lives.
  • Workshop Through the Arts: will help our young people understand that music, dance, and poetry are ordained by God and can be found throughout the Bible where we find music being played to soothe the soul, choirs being anointed to bring forth praise, and people breaking out in dance before the Lord.
  • For our directors, we will talk about What's the Job, engage in leadership exercises, and discuss how Prayer,Worship, and Praise are the prerequisites for getting it right.

We have a tight schedule, but if we can and weather permits, we just might have a quick game of basketball, volleyball, or soccer on the campus, or perhaps hit the putting green to improve our golf score.

Wyndham offers health food choices which we have planned for your enjoyment!

Can't wait to see you! Register early through your conference director.

Eddie Scott, SED YPD President
Juanita Wills, SED YPD Director

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Connecting with the 16th District

On Saturday September 29, 2012 the Cates-Hester WMS of  Mt. Zion AME in Hillsborough, NC hosted Familiarization thru Fellowship, Food & Facts. This event was an informative teaching/learning fellowship session; where participants mingled and shared culinary dishes from countries in the 16th District.
Please click on the link below for additional information:
Feel free to download and print the information to share with others!
Thanks to Ms. Faye Bynum for sharing this with us. Great work!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Take Care Tuesday

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that occurs naturally in all parts of the body. Your body needs some cholesterol to work properly. But if you have too much in your body, it can stick to the walls of your arteries. This is called plaque. Plaque can narrow your arteries or even block them.

 Do you know your cholesterol numbers? Do you know what those numbers mean?

Keeping your cholesterol levels healthy is a great way to keep your heart healthy-and lower your chances of getting heart disease or having a stroke. Cholesterol can be tricky to understand, though, because not all is bad for you.Some is actually good for you. The most important thing you can do as a first step is to know your cholesterol numbers by getting your cholesterol tested.

All adults age 20 and over should have a fasting lipoprotein profile-which measures total cholesterol, LDL (bad) cholesterol, HDL (good) cholesterol and triglycerides- once every five years.

Your test report will show your cholesterol levels in milligrams per deciliter of blood (mg/dL). To determine how your cholesterol levels affect your risk of heart disease, your doctor will also take into account other risk factors such as age, family history, smoking and high blood pressure.

  • Ideally your total cholesterol number should be less than 220 mg/dL.
  • 200 to 239 mg/dL is considered borderline.
  • 240 mg/dL and above- High cholesterol! A person with this level has more than twice the risk of coronary heart disease than someone whose cholesterol is below 200mg/dL.

Please know your numbers. Please speak with your physician about your numbers.

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you receive from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NIV)

Source: www.heart.org (American Heart Association)

Monday, October 1, 2012

St. Paul AME

On Sunday September 30, 2012 St. Paul AME Church in Washington, DC celebrated The Majorie E. Bourne Women's Missionary Society Annual Day. Dr. Pam brought a dynamic word from the Lord, reminding us that JESUS IS REAL!

The food, fellowship and PRAISE were glorious as we celebrated with the WMS, YPDers, lay and guests of St. Paul AME!

Thanks to Sister Yvonne Mckinney, WMS President and The Rev. Constance Evans, Senior Pastor for their exemplary leadership and warm hospitality! A special  thanks to Rev. Marques Wheeler for the beautiful pictures!

Baltimore District Conference

On Friday September 28, 2012 the Baltimore District of the Baltimore Conference of the Spirit-Filled Second Episcopal District celebrated WMS Trail Blazers' Night under the dynamic leadership of First Lady Irene Montague.

Supervisor Pam DeVeaux was the guest speaker. Eighty-Five women from churches within the District were honored for 30 years and more of service. Union Chapel's (Cambridge) choir and Tyree AME's (Berlin) dancers inspired all in attendance.

Thanks to The Reverend Ann-Lightner-Fuller and Dr. Stanely Fuller and the members of Mt. Calvary (Towson) for the wonderful hospitality!