Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday

For God so loved the world,
that he gave his only Son.
The Son gave His life for me,
when He died on Calvary.

There is no greater love,
nowhere, you won't find it
than a man would lay down His life for a friend,
there's no greater love, no greater love
than a man would lay down his life for a friend

There is no greater love,
there is no greater love,
(there is no greater love)
(no greater love)

Jesus went to Calvary
to save a wretch,
like you and me;
that's love, that's love

They hung Him high,
they stretched him wide.
He hung His head, for me He died.
that's love, that's love.

That's not how the story ends,
three days later he rose again;
that's love, that's love.

Lyrics: TJ Hemphill

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